Bank Batch Process Optimization
An Amount (Bank Currency) column is now available for GoFreight multi-currency customers to check the original currency of each payment.
In Accounting -> Bank -> Batch Process, click the Search button in the middle to check the payment amount in both the main currency and the original currency of that payment.
You can now also see the payment Type column shown in the search result.
More Application of the Color Remark
Color Remark is now added to both the New Booking entry and the Booking List.
New Fields For Ocean Export to Africa Region
For those who operate export shipments to Africa, there are now two designated fields available for Electric Cargo Tracking Note and Packaging Recovery Note.
Go to Ocean Export -> Booking Entry or M/BL Entry, and you can find the fields: ECTN No. and PRN No. at the bottom.
Once the fields are filled out, information will automatically be shown in the Description section of all Doc Receipts, M/BL, and H/BL.
VGM Cut-Off Date Field for Better Document Preparation
A new VGM Cut-Off Date field is added under Ocean Export to better prepare the Verified Gross Mass (VGM) document.