Whats New

Volume Profit Report, G&A, and Container Tracking Optimization
What’s New

Volume Profit Report, G&A, and Container Tracking Optimization

GoFreight Core

Volume & Profit Report Optimization

A Freight Code section is now added to the Volume Profit Report tool for you to better analyze business costs and revenue between different vendors, customers, and billing items.

Simply go to Report ➝ Volume & Profit Report, click the filter icon, and a list of Freight Codes will be displayed for you to select. Run the Volume & Profit reports as how you usually do.

We recommend that you keep the time range of the analysis short to get results faster.

General & Administrative Invoice/Expense Update

Five fields on the General & Administrative invoice or expense documents can now be edited by permitted users even after documents are blocked.

Including the Vendor, Vendor Invoice No. on APs, the Bill to and Invoice No. on ARs, and the Remark field on both APs and ARs.

Please contact support@gofreight.co to activate.

MB/L List Updated with Service Term Column

The Service Term column is now available to check on the MB/L List under Ocean Import as SVC Term.

GoFreight Tracking

Container-Level Visibility at the Shipment List and Shipment Entries

Container key timestamps of a specific shipment can now be easily checked on GoFreight Tracking.

Simply check the Container Stage column that’s newly added to the Shipment List. Key timestamps including the Gate In, ETD, ETA, ATA, Unloaded from Vessel, LFD, Appointment, Gate Out, and Empty Returned visibility will be displayed at a container level.

Alternatively, go to the Container Info under each individual shipment for the same details. Yard Location and Available for Pickup information will also be included when you click More under the Container Stage.